ArtBot Beta v1.0.2

About Bot

A bot programmed with Ruby that uses WikiArt for images and deployed on Heroku to post amazing art on Twitter.
All for serving beautiful art to social media!

But?! How is it working?

Step 1

My script makes a request to the WikiArt's server, in order to get a bunch of data that contains URL's for images.
Once I have that data, the script that I wrote randomly chooses an Art Object from a page-also randomly choosed- that contains 60 Art Object total.

Step 2

In this step, my script checks if I posted that specific Art Object that comes from step one. If so, my script re-chooses the object until finding an unique one.
After all this process, my script which is deployed on Heroku downloads the image locally with a Ruby Gem called Mechanize.
The key on this step is, Heroku has a system that allows you to download and use an image temporarily in the server-runtime. That means you can download a image into Heroku Server for just that runtime. After server goes sleep the image gets deleted.
So that being said, my script is able to post to a tweet with media-stored on server locally-.

Step 3

Ok. But how does your script runs every day-hour-minute?!?
My script runs every 3 hours with a Ruby Gem called Clockwork, basically allows you to have an background process within your server. More details about Clockwork.

And That's it!
